Monthly Mission Focus- February 2025
FEBRUARY MISSION FOCUS: Our monthly mission focus is to be determined. Stay tuned.
Hispanic Ministry Monthly Worship Service
The congregation of Fields United Methodist Church is revitalizing a Hispanic Ministry effort the first Sunday of every month at 12:30pm. The Hispanic Ministry has been created to support the roughly 800-1100 available persons of Hispanic heritage within a 4-5 mile radius of Fields United Methodist Church, 34077 Lorain Road, North Ridgeville, Ohio. The Ministry provides our brothers and sisters in Christ of Hispanic heritage with an opportunity to study The Word and to fellowship together in a warm, welcoming atmosphere. The service will be in the church sanctuary with special guests presenting the message or meditation for that day. All parts of the service will be in Spanish.
Estan Invitad
Cuando: domingo 2 de marzo de 2025 12:30 – 1:30 pm
Donde: Iglesia Methodista Unida “Fields”
34077 Lorain Road, North Ridgeville, OH 44039
(440) 327-8753 (oficina de Iglesia)
Que: Un Servicio en Español
Quien: Nosotros los Hispanos de la comunidad!
El pueblo de Dios!
Juntos alabaremos al Señor! Los esperamos!
Musicians Needed
Common Union Choir
Handbell Choir
For more information about our music ministry please feel free to contact the church office.
Stephen Ministries
Bear one another’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ (Galatians 6:2, NRSV).
Stephen Ministry offers a proven and effective way to organize, equip, and supervise a team of congregation members—called Stephen Ministers—to provide high-quality, one-to-one, Christ-centered care to people in the congregation and the community experiencing life difficulties.
Young-At-Heart Ministry
- Holiday Luncheons
- Lunch On the Road
- Lunches with games and speakers
United Methodist Men Service Ministry
Our mission is to support spiritual growth among men, helping men to mature as disciples as they encourage spiritual formation in others.
The goal of United Methodist Men (click on the underlined words to get to national website) is to empower the ministry of Jesus Christ through men within the congregations of the UMC.
Everyone has different gifts, graces and areas of interest. Opportunities for participation at Fields include the diverse ministries of the church, such as prayer groups, missions, Bible studies, small groups in the Wesleyan tradition, leading and participating on committees, and assisting in leading worship service. The focus is not inward, concentrating only on those who attend a set meeting, but outward to all men, assisting them to engage in the process of spiritual growth.
Prayer Ministry
- Weekly Email Prayer List Recipient=get on the email list to receive the weekly list and pray for the requests that have come in on Sundays during worship and thoughout the following week.
- Online Wednesday Prayer group= pray with several weekly together via ZOOM
- Text message prayer team= get and share prayer requests that come in daily
Parish Nurse Ministry
Children and Youth Ministry
IGNITE Youth is the youth fellowship of Fields United Methodist Church open to all 6-12th graders. Ignite aims to be a place where youth can come to be themselves and have time together laughing, fellowshipping and growing in relationship with God and each other. Our goal is to have a great time while we actively live out the word of God through our actions and interactions. Some of the activities you might find Ignite up to include: Bon fires, Winter Retreats, working at the Nehemiah Mission of Cleveland, Scavenger Hunts, Project Feed, participating in Sunday Worship, attending Youth Annual Conference and much, much more! Check out the Events page for meeting dates and activities.